If you're experiencing stress in your life + relationships (but you aren't sure why or what to do to change it) understanding your Enneagram type can help.
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Each Enneagram type has core beliefs that become their focus + can help them reach their highest potential, or, can lead to stress + dysfunction in life and relationships. Becoming aware of the nuances of your type will help you to grow + unstick yourself from the patterns that have been holding you back in life.
Here we will talk about type one:
"there's a right way. let me show you how"
The Enneagram 1 is all about having ideals + living them. They wish other people would do the same and can become frustrated + resentful when other people aren't meeting their expectations.
Ones tend to struggle with resting + relaxing when there is still work to be done-->their inner critic voice will criticize + badger them into even trying to make rest productive.
This image shows the Iceberg Model of a type 1 (originally created by Roxanne Howe-Murphy), depicting the outward behaviors of a 1 above the waterline, and what they think + feel below the waterline.
Core Beliefs
Ones want to be "good," but don't trust themselves to be good on their own, so they create rules + structures to follow so that they can be good without anyone else having to point out that they are lacking or in need of correction.
Focus of Attention
The type one's focus is on doing things correctly + being right. They are assessing their environment for what needs to be done, what is the "correct" response in order to determine their course of action.
Inner Critic Voice
The type one inner critic believes that they are good and ok if they do what is right. When they do not think they are meeting their own expectations, or the expectations of others, they will have deeply critical self talk.
Type One Struggles
Ones can struggle with anger, which they try to suppress (and often are unaware of). It leaks out in the form of feeling resentful + indignant that the world + other people are not measuring up to their standards. Perhaps they feel resentment for always having to take care of the chores + or are upset about unjust situations that come up in the world.
They can ruminate on these situations and find it difficult to let them go.
They also can struggle with being overly self-controlled, seeming opinionated + judgemental, being overly perfectionistic, and feeling like fixing things is their own personal responsiblity.
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Gifts + Strengths
While ones (like all the types) face many challenges, the news isn't all bad! Ones are a GIFT to this world. We need them to drive us towards supporting causes we believe in, pursuing justice + making sure things are done to appropriate standards. We also benefit from the conscientious way they approach life and the way they live up to their principles + standards. We need ones to help us strive for something better.
ready to take the next step?
For more information on the patterns + habits type ones struggle with, download my guide to getting unstuck from the patterns of your Enneagram Type. There is an individual guide for each type!
I also offer Enneagram coaching, to help you apply what you have learned to your actual life, so you can grow, improve your relationships + change your life. Go read all about it + then set up a discovery call.
lets talk soon!
meet alison!
Alison Speerbrecker is a Minnesota native desperately happy to have moved away from the frozen north + into the lovely Virginia Beach area. She's a mom of 5 vibrant (nice way of saying CHALLENGING) kiddos, has a dog that sheds too much + is encroaching on her 20 year wedding anniversary. She got married as a baby, folks 😉
Alison combines her Enneagram Certification, Life Coach Training, Clinical Social Work background + life experience to work with women + help them get unstuck + change their lives. Which is the best. Learn more about Alison here.
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