If you are driven towards success + showing off your accomplishments along the way you just might be a type 3!

Many people start learning about the Enneagram because they are experiencing stress in life + relationships (but you aren't sure why or what to do to change it).

Each Enneagram type has core beliefs that become their focus + can help them reach their highest potential, or, can lead to stress + dysfunction in life and relationships. Becoming aware of the nuances of your type will help you to grow + unstick yourself from the patterns that have been holding you back in life.

Here we will talk about type three:

"I can be anything I want"

The Enneagram 3 is all about inspiring others + themselves to success. Their ambition + drive means they can be a great parnter at work + at home, and they not only come up with excellent ideas--they also carry them out to completion!

Sometimes the type 3 can struggle with setting aside their emotions until a "more convenient" time as well as struggling with work/home boundaries.

This image shows the Iceberg Model of a type 3 (originally created by Roxanne Howe-Murphy), depicting the outward behaviors of a 3 above the waterline, and what they think + feel below the waterline.

Core Beliefs

Threes believe that life is a contest + they have to win it. Their sense of worth + value comes from what they achieve in life-->they fail to see their intrinsic value outside of their accomplishments.

Focus of Attention

The type three's focus is on getting attention by being successful. They are seeking attention + recognition from others and will do whatever it takes to look accomplished + impressive in the sight of people they deem important.

At times, a type 3 will adjust their persona to fit what they think others would like better. This striving to maintain a particular image can cause them to lose touch with their vulnerable side.

Inner Critic Voice

The type three inner critic believes that they are good and ok if others think well of them + they are successful.

Their inner critic insists that they receive positive feedback for their wins, otherwise they are a failure with no value. Constantly attempting to create scenarios in order to receive attention eventually leads to emptiness.

Type Three Struggles

Threes struggle with vanity, which is their desire to be on top + being seen as the cause for all their accomplishments. They also can find stress in trying to keep up with their high standards of achievement + all of the stages of success they need to reach.

Threes can become uncomfortable when expected to be emotionally close or intimate, so they will keep their guard up around others. They can also be overly competitive, self promoting, and cut corners in attempt to reach their goals quickly.

Gifts + Strengths

While threes (like all the types) face many challenges, the news isn't all bad! They continually leverage their drive to develop themselves + shape their world.

Three's motivation + self belief propels them to do their best while being an inspiration for others to do the same. Their ambition + ability to adapt can help them accomplish great things.

ready to take the next step?

For more information on the patterns + habits type threess struggle with, download my guide to getting unstuck from the patterns of your Enneagram Type. There is an individual guide for each type!

I also offer Enneagram coaching, to help you apply what you have learned to your actual life, so you can grow, improve your relationships + change your life. Go read all about it + then set up a discovery call.

lets talk soon!


meet alison!

Alison Speerbrecker is a Minnesota native desperately happy to have moved away from the frozen north + into the lovely Virginia Beach area. She's a mom of 5 vibrant (nice way of saying CHALLENGING) kiddos, has a dog that sheds too much + is encroaching on her 20 year wedding anniversary. She got married as a baby, folks 😉

Alison combines her Enneagram Certification, Life Coach Training, Clinical Social Work background + life experience to work with women + help them get unstuck + change their lives. Which is the best. Learn more about Alison here.


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