Have you been struggling with people pleasing or saying no? If so, you might be a type two!
If you're experiencing stress in your life + relationships (but you aren't sure why or what to do to change it) understanding your Enneagram type can help.
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Each Enneagram type has core beliefs that become their focus + can help them reach their highest potential, or, can lead to stress + dysfunction in life and relationships. Becoming aware of the nuances of your type will help you to grow + unstick yourself from the patterns that have been holding you back in life.
Here we will talk about type two:
"Its my pleasure to give. Now what do you need?"
The Enneagram 2 is all about loving and serving others. They are the first to say yes + often end up with more on their plate than they bargained for.
Secretly, though, they are also hoping that they will be recognized + appreciated for their actions. Sometimes 2s go overboard + pridefully believe that only they know how to help or take care of the situation at hand.
This image shows the Iceberg Model of a type 2 (originally created by Roxanne Howe-Murphy), depicting the outward behaviors of a 2 above the waterline, and what they think + feel below the waterline.
Core Beliefs
Twos want to be loved + accepted by others, but believe they have to earn that love by taking care of others before they take care of themselves. Love must be earned through loving actions.
Focus of Attention
The type two's focus is their relationships with others. They spend their time wondering what they could/should be doing to help others + show that they care. Two's can lose sight of their own needs in their efforts to please others.
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Inner Critic Voice
The type two inner critic believes that they are good and ok if they are putting other people's needs ahead of their own. If they don't receive positive feedback for their actions, two's assume that they haven't done enough to earn love.
This can also cause resentful feelings within the two when they aren't getting the praise they desire and expect for their actions.
Type Two Struggles
Twos struggle with pride, which comes out as thinking they know whats best + that they are better than others. They also struggle meeting their own needs. In the quest for self-sacrifice, twos can find themselves people pleasing, rescuing, and martyring themselves.
They can also be possessive, wanting attention + closeness, while becoming upset if that is not reciprocated, and they are not getting the approval they seek.
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Gifts + Strengths
While twos (like all the types) face many challenges, the news isn't all bad! Twos care + service makes the world go round! In a world that can be fast-paced + cruel, we need the empathy + nurture of type twos.
They help us remember to care for one another, and remind us that our needs are important. And when you need a helping hand, its always nice to know that somewhere out there, a two is ready to spring into action ;)
ready to take the next step?
For more information on the patterns + habits type twos struggle with, download my guide to getting unstuck from the patterns of your Enneagram Type. There is an individual guide for each type!
I also offer Enneagram coaching, to help you apply what you have learned to your actual life, so you can grow, improve your relationships + change your life. Go read all about it + then set up a discovery call.
lets talk soon!
meet alison!
Alison Speerbrecker is a Minnesota native desperately happy to have moved away from the frozen north + into the lovely Virginia Beach area. She's a mom of 5 vibrant (nice way of saying CHALLENGING) kiddos, has a dog that sheds too much + is encroaching on her 20 year wedding anniversary. She got married as a baby, folks 😉
Alison combines her Enneagram Certification, Life Coach Training, Clinical Social Work background + life experience to work with women + help them get unstuck + change their lives. Which is the best. Learn more about Alison here.
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